Aussie AsSalt

Well it's happening. Rod Hadfield, John Lynch and myself are getting ready for the Bonneville Speed Week. It's the fiftieth anniversary and its going to be a big one.
Rod has purchased a like new 40' container. This will be our workshop and transporter. First problem, we need to get the container to the salt at Bonneville. Mary West to the rescue; Mary has found a trailer that will put the container to the salt and can transport it from Salt Lake City. America haven't got side loaders like ours, thanks Mary!!
Rod is building all the racking in the container with the help of John and it is coming along well. John is busy fixing his minor problems with the belly tanker, Rod is getting a fresh CRS block prepared by George Haddad. I have decided to paint my car and have stripped it to a shell. George is also building my motor and gearbox and I hope to have it all finished by the end of June. Our ship leaves the first week in July, a very tight schedule.
The Aussie AsSalt team and friends will depart 12th August. On arriving LAX, will head out to Salt Lake City on the next flight, a long haul, a sleep and then off to Bonneville in mobile homes. We hope to have our racing done by Thursday and then will head off to the Pleasantown Goodguy Nationals, to do a bit of hot rodding, eye balling. Some will be going home after these events, the rest, driving back to LA. Anyone interested in coming along or buying a T-shirt ring Rod or myself.
Aussie AsSalt Setup and Container
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