Motorcycle Classes


NOTE : This information is intended to be a guide only, please refer to the DLRA Rule Book for a more complete description.
Motorcycle classes are listed in order of frame type , engine type and displacement


7.D.1 Designated Frame Class

ASpecial Construction
MPSModified Partial Streamlining
APSSpecial Construction Partial Streamlining
SCSSidecar Streamliner
S Streamliner


7.D.2 Designated Engine Class

BFSupercharged Engine: Fuel
BGSupercharged Engine: Gasoline
FModified Engine: Fuel
GModified Engine: Gasoline
PBProduction Supercharged
CBFClassic Supercharged Engine: Fuel
CBGClassic Supercharged Engine: Gasoline
CFClassic Modified Engine: Fuel
CGClassic Modified Engine: Gasoline
PCProduction Classic
PBFSupercharged Push Rod Engine: Fuel
PBGSupercharged Push Rod Engine: Gas
PFPush Rod Engine: Fuel
PGPush Rod Engine: Gasoline
PPProduction Push Rod
PVProduction Vintage
VBFSupercharged Vintage Engine: Fuel
VBGSupercharged Vintage Engine: Gasoline
VFVintage Engine: Fuel
VGVintage Engine: Gasoline
Ω (OMEGA)Steam, Turbine or Electric


7.D.3 Engine Displacement Class

Shown in cubic centimeters
50, 100, 125, 175, 250, 350, 500, 650, 750, 1000, 1350, 1650, 2000 and 3000 where permitted and 3001 and above where permitted.

Engine Code Engine
Engine Displacement
201 50cc 50 cc engine
202 100cc 100 cc engine
203 125cc 125 cc engine
204 175cc 175 cc engine
205 250cc 250 cc engine
206 350cc 350 cc engine
207 500cc 500 cc engine
208 650cc 650 cc engine
209 750cc 750 cc engine
210 1000cc 1000 cc engine
211 1350cc 1350 cc engine
212 1650cc 1650 cc engine
213 2000cc 2000 cc engine
214 3000cc 3000 cc engine
215 UNLIMITED 3001 cc and above engine
216 Ω (OMEGA) Electric/Steam/Turbine

Engine Classes are shown in cubic centimeters: 50, 100, 125, 175, 250, 350, 500, 650, 750, 1000, 1350, 1650, 2000 and 3000 where permitted and 3001 and above where permitted.
Displacement shall be greater than the maximum allowable for the next lower class.  To permit minor reconditioning of worn cylinder blocks in classes other than Production, it is permitted to increase cylinder bore diameter .508 mm (.020 in.) beyond that which provides maximum displacement for the class only if the OEM bore diameter is within .508 mm (.020 in.) of the maximum class displacement.  In all cases, the resulting displacement shall be exceeded to qualify for the next higher class.  The .508 mm (.020 in.) will be discounted for record certification and will be noted on the certification card and in the logbook.
Vintage engines are allowed +1.27 mm (.050 in.) overbore, see section 7. J.10.



7.D.4 Frame Classes

Frame Class Engine Classes Available Maximum Displacement Engine Permitted
P P, PP, PB, PPB, PV & Ω 3000 1
M All except UG, UF, P, PP, PB, PPB & PV & Ω        3000 1
MPS All except UG, UF, P, PP, PB, PPB & PV & Ω 3000 1
A All except UG, UF, P, PP, PB, PPB, PV & Ω 3001 & above 4
APS All except UG & UF, P, PP, PB, PPB, PV & Ω 3001 & above 4
S All except P, PP, PB, PPB & PV & Ω 3001 & above 4
SC All except UG, UF, P, PP, PB, PPB, PV & Ω 3001 & above 2
SCS All except P, PP, PB, PPB PV & Ω 3001 & above 4

Classes defined and not restricted under items 7.D.1, 7.D.2, 7.D.3 and 7.D.4 are open for competition.


 7.E Production

Code Class Description
425 P-P Production Frame Production
426 P-PP Production Frame Production Pushrod
427 P-PB Production Frame Production Supercharged
488 P-PV Production Frame Production Vintage
489 P-PPB Production Frame Production Pushrod Supercharged
492 P-Ω Production Frame Omega
608 P-PC Production Frame Production Classic
609 P-PCB Production Frame Production Classic Supercharged

This class is limited to production, street-legal motorcycles of which 500 or more have been produced and which are available for sale to the general public through retail motorcycle dealers. Motorcycles in this class shall be equipped with full lighting equipment, frame, forks, wheels, brakes, gas, and oil tank (if OEM), fenders and seat. The motorcycle must appear identical in all respects to the production model it represents, including the intake air box and exhaust system, unless an item is added, removed, replaced, or modified as required, to comply with the safety requirements of this rule book, or is allowed by the Production frame class rules. The exhaust system, looking at the end (down its centerline) shall be unmodified, i.e., the exit diameter of the canister (muffler) cannot be enlarged. This comparison will be made when the bike is assembled as ready to run. Any performance modifications shall be out of view.
Custom painting or decal removal does not violate the production class appearance rule however smoothing, filling, removal of badges, emblems or garnish trim or other physical changes are not permitted.  Production class records are subject to approval and will be certified ONLY after comparison with the manufacturer’s specifications for the model.  The entrant is required to provide suitable documentation substantiating the production design of the entry at the time of the record certification inspection.


7.F Modified Production - M, MPS

The Modified Class is intended for “modified” production models and not purpose-built racing bikes.
This class includes all On Road, On-Off Road and Off Road only models and limited production models (more than 50).
These classes do not include factory produced road racing or any other specialized racing or models.
The requirements for this class include:
• An OEM frame must be used. Steering head angle may be altered but must remain in its original location. Swing arm length, type and mounting method may be altered. Brackets, braces, mounts, gussets, etc. may be moved, modified, or removed. Perimeter type frame engine cradle tubes must remain unmodified. Spar-style main frame spars must remain unmodified. “Main frame spars” are defined as the large formed tubes which connect the steering neck to the engine mounts and swing arm pivot.
• The engine shall be from the same manufacturer as the frame.
&bullA single engine with maximum displacement limited to 3000cc.
• A maximum wheelbase not to exceed the original OEM specification plus 10%. Entrants shall provide acceptable documentation for record certification.
• Handlebar grips and rider seating position shall be above the top of the rear tyres with the rider seated unless original OEM design.
• Gas tanks, if not original equipment to the production model, shall have a minimum capacity of 5 liters or 1.32 gallons.
• OEM lights, instruments, fenders, gas and oil tanks, seat, forks, swing arm, shocks, brakes, and wheels are optional.


Bikes that meet the requirements for the Modified Production Class by definition cannot run in the Special Construction Class.


7.F.11 Open Class - Modified Production

452 M-BF Modified Supercharged Fuel
453 M-BG Modified Supercharged Gas
454 M-F Modified Fuel
455 M-G Modified Gas
456 M-PBF Modified Pushrod Supercharged Fuel
457 M-PBG Modified Pushrod Supercharged Gas
458 M-PF Modified Pushrod Fuel
459 M-PG Modified Pushrod Gas
472 M-VBF Modified Vintage Supercharged Fuel
473 M-VBG Modified Vintage Supercharged Gas
474 M-VF Modified Vintage Fuel
475 M-VG Modified Vintage Gas
479 M-Ω Modified Omega
618 M-CBF Modified Classic Supercharged Fuel
619 M-CBG Modified Classic Supercharged Gas
620 M-CF Modified Classic Fuel
621 M-CG Modified Classic Gas

No streamlining is permitted in the open motorcycle class. Streamlining is defined as any devices or objects forward of the rider (see 7.A.7) that have the apparent effect of directing, limiting, or controlling airflow around the motorcycle or rider.

A front fender is optional, and if used shall comply with the following: the front wheel and tyre shall be visible from either side for a continuous 210 deg. of their circumference. The front of the fender shall not extend lower than 12.7 cm (5 in.) above a horizontal line drawn through the front axle. The perimeter of the fender shall not be farther than 4.445 cm (1.750 in.) from the tread. The sides of the fender may fair into the fork tubes but shall not be over 5.08 cm (2 in.) wider overall than these parts

  1. Seat or tail section shall conform to partial streamlining rules.
  2. Un-modified OEM air inlet scoops, OEM instruments, OEM instrument panels and/or OEM headlights mounted with un-modified OEM mounts in the OEM location are allowed in the Open class and therefore meet the non-streamlining rule.


Documentation to verify OEM parts shall be made available to the inspector by the competitor.

Motorcycles using non-OEM instruments, or OEM instruments not using OEM mounts, must be mounted within an area defined as no farther forward than 15.24 cm (6 in.) in front of the leading edge of the upper triple clamp nor more than 10.16 cm (4 in.) above the top of the upper triple clamp nor more than 5.08 cm (2 in.) below the top of the upper triple clamp nor wider than 2.54 cm (1 in.) outside of each fork tube.


7.F.12  Partial Streamlining – Modified Production - MPS:

460 MPS-BF Modified Partial Streamline Supercharged Fuel
461 MPS-BG Modified Partial Streamline Supercharged Gas
462 MPS-F Modified Partial Streamline Fuel
463 MPS-G Modified Partial Streamline Gas
464 MPS-PBF Modified Partial Streamline Pushrod Supercharged Fuel
465 MPS-PBG Modified Partial Streamline Pushrod Supercharged Gas
466 MPS-PF Modified Partial Streamline Pushrod Fuel
467 MPS-PG Modified Partial Streamline Pushrod Gas
468 MPS-VBF Modified Partial Streamline Vintage Supercharged Fuel
469 MPS-VBG Modified Partial Streamline Vintage Supercharged Gas
470 MPS-VF Modified Partial Streamline Vintage Fuel
471 MPS-VG Modified Partial Streamline Vintage Gas
498 MPS-Ω Modified Partial Streamline Omega
622 MPS-CBF Modified Partial Streamline Classic Supercharged Fuel
623 MPS-CBG Modified Partial Streamline Classic Supercharged Gas
624 MPS-CF Modified Partial Streamline Classic Fuel
625 MPS-CG Modified Partial Streamline Classic Gas

All O.E.M body work, seat, tail section or fenders for the specific production model year is allowed but documentation to verify OEM parts or exact replicas of those components shall be made available to the inspector by the competitor.

The following rules apply to motorcycles using non-OEM components (or replicas of those components), or using a fairing, bodywork seat, tail section or fenders on a production model that was not originally equipped with those components.
No part of the fairing ahead of the front axle may be lower than the top of the front rim at the axle vertical centerline or be forward of the front edge of the rim. Front Fender see Section 7.F.4.1. There shall be no streamlining forward of the front edge of the front rim. There shall be no streamlining other than a seat, tail section or fender to the rear of the rider’s body, and the seat, tail section or fender may not cover any of the wheel when viewed from the side. If a streamlined seat, tail section or fender is used it cannot extend further to the rear than a vertical line at the rear edge of the rear tyre or be more than 91.44 cm (36 in.) from the ground with the rider seated on the bike. It shall be possible to see all of the rider completely from either side, except the hands and forearms. As viewed from directly above it shall be possible to see all of the rider in any and all riding positions, except the hands, forearms, legs and feet. It is forbidden to use any transparent material to avoid the application of these rules. Fairings or bodywork shall have a minimum of three (3) separate mounting points.
The OEM fairing, bodywork and tail section for the specific production model THAT EXCEEDS THE ABOVE are allowed. Fairing and tail section shall be mounted in a conventional manner and all bodywork pieces shall be mounted in their original relationship to each other. Replacement non-OEM fairings, bodywork and tail sections shall be an exact replica of the OEM parts. Documentation to verify conformation of non-OEM parts to OEM parts shall be made available to the inspector by the competitor.



The Special Construction class is intended for purpose-built race bikes, not production bikes with minor modifications. A special construction frame is unlimited in design, except for the class requirements of this section. This class includes factory produced road racing or any other racing “works” models.

Bikes in this class must have either a full APS fairing or comply with two of the following requirements:

  • Two or more engines
  • Engine displacement greater than 3001cc
  • Seat base lower than top of rear tyre with the rider seated on the bike
  • Design items not permitted in the Modified Production class
  • Center hub steering unless OEM

All components shall have sufficient strength to ensure stability and safety. Weld integrity and fabrication methods will be closely scrutinized during the inspection process. The technical committee may require Non-Destructive Test Certification of components and/or stress analysis of the design.
A bike entered in the Special Construction Class cannot be entered as a Modified Production Class entry within the same racing season.


7.G.10 Open Class: – Special Construction – A

401 A-BF Special Construction Supercharged Fuel
402 A-BG Special Construction Supercharged Gas
403 A-F Special Construction Modified Fuel
404 A-G Special Construction Modified Gas
405 A-PBF Special Construction Pushrod Supercharged Fuel
406 A-PBG Special Construction Pushrod Supercharged Gas
407 A-PF Special Construction Pushrod Fuel
408 A-PG Special Construction Pushrod Gas
421 A-VBF Special Construction Vintage Supercharged Fuel
422 A-VBG Special Construction Vintage Supercharged Gas
423 A-VF Special Construction Vintage Fuel
424 A-VG Special Construction Vintage Gas
493 A-Ω Special Construction Omega
600 A-CBF Special Construction Classic Supercharged Fuel
601 A-CBG Special Construction Classic Supercharged Gas
602 A-CF Special Construction Classic Fuel
603 A-CG Special Construction Classic Gas

This class is limited to purpose built “bare bones” race bikes stripped of all aero and street use parts. No streamlining is permitted in the Open Special Construction class. Streamlining is defined as any devices or objects forward of the rider (see 7.A.7) that have the apparent effect of directing, limiting, or controlling airflow around the motorcycle or the rider.  A front fender is optional, and if used shall comply with the following: the front wheel and tyre shall be visible from either side for a continuous 210 deg. of their circumference. The front of the fender shall not extend lower than 12.7 cm (5 in.) above a horizontal line drawn through the front axle. The perimeter of the fender shall not be farther than 4.445 cm (1.750 in.) from the tread. The sides of the fender may fair into the fork tubes or tyre but shall not be over 5.08 cm (2 in.) wider overall than these parts.  If a seat, tail section or fender is used, it shall not extend more than 7.62 cm (3 in.) past the rear most edge of the rear tyre or cover any part of the wheel when viewed from the side. No part of the tail section shall be lower than the top of the rear rim, or over 91.44 cm (36 in.) from the ground, with the rider seated on the bike.
It shall be possible to see all of the rider from either side. As viewed directly from above, it shall be possible to see all of the rider, in any and all riding positions except for the legs and feet. It is forbidden to use any transparent material to avoid the application of these rules.
Number plates, if used, shall be located behind the rider, and ahead of and above the rear axle centerline.


7.G.11 Partial Streamlining: - SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION – APS

409 APS-BF Special Construction Partial Streamline Supercharged Fuel
410 APS-BG Special Construction Partial Streamline Supercharged
411 APS-F Special Construction Partial Streamline Modified Fuel
412 APS-G Special Construction Partial Streamline Modified Gas
413 APS-PBF Special Construction Partial Streamline Pushrod Supercharged Fuel
414 APS-PBG Special Construction Partial Streamline Pushrod Supercharged Gas
415 APS-PF Special Construction Partial Streamline Pushrod Fuel
416 APS-PG Special Construction Partial Streamline Pushrod Gas
417 APS-VBF Special Construction Partial Streamline Vintage Supercharged Fuel
418 APS-VBG Special Construction Partial Streamline Vintage Supercharged Gas
419 APS-VF Special Construction Partial Streamline Vintage Fuel
420 APS-VG Special Construction Partial Streamline Vintage Gas
493 APS-Ω Special Construction Partial Streamline Omega
604 APS-CBF Special Construction Partial Streamline Classic Supercharged Fuel
605 APS-CBG Special Construction Partial Streamline Classic Supercharged Gas
606 APS-CF Special Construction Partial Streamline Classic Fuel
607 APS-CG Special Construction Partial Streamline Classic Gas

If a streamlined seat/tail section is used, it cannot extend further to the rear than 25.4 cm (10 in.) beyond the rear edge of the rear tyre. No part of the seat/tail section may be more than 101.6 cm (40 in.) above the ground with the rider seated. No part of the seat/tail section behind the rear axle may be closer than 10.16 cm (4 in.) from the ground with the rider seated.   
It shall be possible to see all of the rider completely from either side, except the hands and forearms. As viewed from directly above it shall be possible to see all of the rider, in any and all riding positions, except the hands, forearms, legs and feet. It is forbidden to use any transparent material to avoid the application of these rules. Fairings or bodywork shall have a minimum of three (3) separate mounting points.
No part of the fairing ahead of the front axle may be lower than the top of the front rim at the axle vertical centerline or be forward of the front edge of the rim. There shall be no streamlining forward of the front edge of the front rim.
Front fender is optional, and if used shall comply with the following: front wheel and tyre shall be visible from either side for a continuous 180 deg. of their circumference. The front of the fender may not extend lower than a horizontal line drawn through the front axle. The perimeter of the fender may not be further than 4.445 cm (1.750 in.) from the tyre tread. The sides of the fender may fair in the fork tubes/sliders/tyre, but must not be over 5.08 cm (2 in.) wider overall than these parts.
For non-conventional designs not using fork tubes/sliders, fenders may be 5.08 cm (2 in.) wider on each side of the tyre.



440 S-BF Streamliner Supercharged Fuel
441 S-BG Streamliner Supercharged Gas
442 S-F Streamliner Fuel
443 S-G Streamliner Gas
444 S-PBF Streamliner Pushrod Supercharged Fuel
445 S-PBG Streamliner Pushrod Supercharged Gas
446 S-PF Streamliner Pushrod Fuel
447 S-PG Streamliner Pushrod Gas
448 S-VBF Streamliner Vintage Supercharged Fuel
449 S-VBG Streamliner Vintage Supercharged Gas
450 S-VF Streamliner Vintage Fuel
451 S-VG Streamliner Vintage Gas
491 S-Ω Streamliner (Electric/Steam/Turbine only)
494 S-UF Streamliner Unlimited Fuel
499 S-UG Streamliner Unlimited Gas
614 S-CBF Streamliner Classic Supercharged Fuel
615 S-CBG Streamliner Classic Supercharged Gas
616 S-CF Streamliner Classic Fuel
617 S-CG Streamliner Classic Gas

A Streamliner is a motorcycle designed so that it is not possible to see the complete rider in the normal riding position from either side or above. Wheelbase is unlimited and shall make a single track. Power shall be transmitted only through the wheels of the motorcycle.
Steering shall be done with the front wheel only.
The vehicle, unloaded, must be capable of being leaned at an angle of 20 deg. (minimum) from the vertical position without touching the ground, other than the tyres, without prior contest board approval.
All components shall have sufficient strength to ensure stability and safety. Weld integrity and fabrication methods will be closely scrutinized during the inspection process. The technical committee may require Non-Destructive Test Certification of components and/or stress analysis of the design. Prior to starting construction, it is strongly suggested that the constructor submit final design prints to the technical committee for evaluation of compliance with rules and safety considerations.
All Motorcycle Streamliners and Side Car Streamliners must have the same fire access doors as Cars. See Section 5.A.



428 SC-BF Sidecar Supercharged Fuel
429 SC-BG Sidecar Supercharged Gas
430 SC-F Sidecar Modified Fuel
431 SC-G Sidecar Modified Gas
432 SC-PBF Sidecar Pushrod Supercharged Fuel
433 SC-PBG Sidecar Pushrod Supercharged Gas
434 SC-PF Sidecar Pushrod Fuel
435 SC-PG Sidecar Pushrod Gas
436 SC-VBF Sidecar Vintage Supercharged Fuel
437 SC-VBG Sidecar Vintage Supercharged Gas
438 SC-VF Sidecar Vintage Fuel
439 SC-VG Sidecar Vintage Gas
476 SCS-BF Sidecar Streamliner Supercharged Fuel
477 SCS-BG Sidecar Streamliner Supercharged Gas
478 SCS-F Sidecar Streamliner Fuel
479 SCS-G Sidecar Streamliner Gas
480 SCS-PBF Sidecar Streamliner Pushrod Supercharged Fuel
481 SCS-PBG Sidecar Streamliner Pushrod Supercharged Gas
482 SCS-PF Sidecar Streamliner Pushrod Fuel
483 SCS-PG Sidecar Streamliner Pushrod Gas
484 SCS-VBF Sidecar Streamliner Vintage Supercharged Fuel
485 SCS-VBG Sidecar Streamliner Vintage Supercharged Gas
486 SCS-VF Sidecar Streamliner Vintage Fuel
487 SCS-VG Sidecar Streamliner Vintage Gas
495 SC-Ω Sidecar Omega
496 SCS-Ω Sidecar Streamliner Omega
500 SCS-UG Sidecar Streamliner Unlimited Gas
501 SCS-UF Sidecar Streamliner Unlimited Fuel
610 SC-CBF Sidecar Classic Supercharged Fuel
611 SC-CBG Sidecar Classic Supercharged Gas
612 SC-CF Sidecar Classic Fuel
613 SC-CG Sidecar Classic Gas
626 SCS-CBF Sidecar Streamliner Classic Supercharged Fuel
627 SCS-CBG Sidecar Streamliner Classic Supercharged Gas

A sidecar is a three-wheel vehicle leaving two tracks with only the rear wheels driving.  The distance between the tracks left by the centrelines of the rear wheel and the sidecar wheel must be at least 800 mm and not more than 1350mm. If three tracks are made, the distance between the tracks of the rear wheel and the front wheel must not be more than 100 mm apart.


TP-P Production Trike
701 TP-PP Production Pushrod Trike
702 T-BF Trike Supercharged Fuel
T-BG Trike Supercharged Gas
704 T-F Trike Fuel
705 T-G Trike Gas
706 T-CBF Trike Classic Supercharged Fuel
707 T-CBG Trike Classic Supercharged Gas
T-CF Trike Classic Fuel
709 T-CG Trike Classic Gas
710 T-PBF Trike Pushrod Supercharged Fuel
711 T-PBG Trike Pushrod Supercharged Gas
712 T-PF Trike Pushrod Fuel
713 T-PG Trike Pushrod Gas
T-VBF Trike Vintage Supercharged Fuel
715 T-VBG Trike Vintage Supercharged Gas
716 T-VF Trike Vintage Fuel
717 T-VG Trike Vintage Gas
TS-BF Trike Streamliner Supercharged Fuel
719 TS-BG Trike Streamliner Supercharged Gas
720 TS-F Trike Streamliner Fuel
721 TS-G Trike Streamliner Gas

A TRIKE – T is a three wheeled vehicle leaving three-wheel tracks.



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