Latest DLRA News 2000


13/11/2000Racers Profile - John Pudney #173
11/08/2000update car records, world car records, 2001event pages, reformat for other years.
26/07/2000update members pages
24/07/2000Lake Gairdner Speed Records table - major reformat and update.
24/07/2000Honour Roll of office bearers created - "under construction"
24/07/2000Contacts page - update for new office bearers
23/07/2000Drivers table updated
15/07/2000Assalt on the Salt - 1985
14/07/2000Updated Navigation Bar, What's New, Newsletter and Contents pages created.
10/07/2000A Brief History page created.
02/07/2000General Meeting at Rod Hadfield's
25/04/2000Merchandise Page.
23/03/20002000 Speed Trails
20/02/2000Pre Race Inspection Day




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