Ray Tully #035


St. Kilda, South Australia


Year Vehicle Class MPH Record
1991   E/PRO 107.13 97.68
1993   E/PRO 91.84 107.13
1994   E/PRO 104.10 107.13
1995   E/PRO 117.06 107.13
1996   E/PRO 121.64 104.10
1996   E/GALT 128.35 109.02
2011 1959 Porsche 356 H/GT Washed Out Open
2012 1959 Porsche 356 H/GT Washed Out Open
2013 1959 Porsche 356 H/GT 78.783 Open

MPH shown in RED is highest speed recorded for that class up and including that year.
Records shown are the highest speed attained for that class from all previous years
or have never had a vehicle register a speed for that class and are considered Open.


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