Paul Macleod #1283
AAA Racing
Wallace Creek QLD

Year | Vehicle | Class | MPH | PB | Record Average |
Record | ||||||
2015 | 2001 Honda | 175 P-P | 102.673,108.250 | - | 90.269 | |||||||
2015 | 2001 Honda | 175 MPS-G | 115.233, 111.459, 109.349 | - | ||||||||
2016 | 2001 Honda | 175 M-G | 100.771,
99.836, 103.393,
100.621, 110.279, 109.538, 109.308, 108.481, 111.261, 110.432, 105.945 |
- | 89.503 | |||||||
2016 | 2001 Honda | 175 M-F | 108.183, 107.389 | - | 84.094 | |||||||
2017 | 2001 Honda | 175 MPS-F | 98.382, 113.165, 106.518, 109.703, 105.189, 113.037, 112.184 |
- | 108.183 | |||||||
2019 | 2014 Bones | 175 A-G | , , , (77.581, 95.180 86.380), 93.511, 96.429 | - | 94.970 | Open | ||||||
2019 | 2014 Bones | 175 A-F | 100.62, 55.754, 104.239, 109.197, , | - | 106.718 | 87.472 | ||||||
2020 | 2014 Bones | 175 A-G | Cancelled | 96.429 | 94.970 | |||||||
2021 | 2014 Bones | 175 A-G | 0, 94.523, 100.263Q, 106.529R, 108.050Q, 111.843R | 96.429 | 109.946 | 94.970 | ||||||
2023 | 2014 Bones | 175 APS-G | 118.859, 121.560 | 109.946 | 120.209 | 109.946 | ||||||
2023 | 2014 Bones | 175 A-F | 118.863Q, 123.018R | 106.718 | 120.940 | 106.718 | ||||||
2024 | 2014 Bones | 175 A-F | 123.018 | 120.940 | ||||||||
2025 | 2014 Bones | 175 A-F | 123.018 | 120.940 | ||||||||
MPH shown in RED is highest speed recorded for that class up and including that year.
Records shown are the highest speed attained for that class from all previous years
or have never had a vehicle register a speed for that class and are considered Open.
Vehicle Specs
Vehicle Make | Honda | |
Vehicle Model | NSR 150 | |
Vehicle Class | 175 MPS-F | |
Chassis | Honda | |
Engine | Honda | |
Gearbox | Honda | |
Diff | N/A |
Sponsors |
AAA Racing, Tyga Performance | |
Career Highlights |
Holder of 4 DLRA Records | |
Time in Sport | 4 years | |
Claim to Fame | World fastest recorded NSR 150 | |
Other Interests | Drag Racing, Farming | |
Team Name | AAA Racing | |
Team Members | ||
Team History | ||
Best thing about Dry Lakes Racing | Meet good people with similar interests | |
Interesting story |
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