
We could not run Speed Week without our fantastic volunteers. Many of our volunteers have been doing the same jobs year after year because they want to support Land Speed Racing in Australia and love being so close to the action in a very unique location.
There are over 400 different jobs to make Speed Week the success it is. Each job is only a half day duration or less and while many jobs require technical experience and knowledge there are many tasks that will be exciting and rewarding to the novice. So there is something for everyone.
There are descriptions for each task so you can figure out for yourself if it's something that you would like to do or feel comfortable doing.
Many of these jobs require no special skills, and those that do you can still work as an assistant and work your way to becoming an Accredited Official.
Don't worry you will be given instructions by the Event Coordinator or Official prior to undertaking any task.


NOTE: All entrants or a team member must volunteer for at least one task during Speed Week, after all it is their event.


Want to help the DLRA and volunteer for a job?


Just go to the VOLUNTEERS PORTAL, pick a day and fill in your details and submit. It's as simple as that.


This could be you


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NOTE: As per Safe Work Australia, the DLRA is a group of people working together for one or more community purposes that do not employ any paid workers. Volunteer associations are not covered by the Work, Health and Safety laws. We do however try to follow the best practice provided by these laws where we can.



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