International Visitors



These pages have been put together primarily for International Competitors and Visitors to help them get to Lake Gairdner for Speed Week. As more information becomes available it will be added to these pages


You will probably need Accommodation near to where you arrive, this will typically be Sydney, Melbourne or Adelaide. Especially if you have a vehicle to pick up. Once you are on the road, many caravan parks provide cabins which are ideal for overnight Accommodation.


Note: Electricity in Australia isĀ 240 volts 50 hz


Cabin Powered UnPowered Site
New South Wales
South Australia
    Y Overland Corner Hotel, 205 Old Court Road, Riverland SA 5343 Phone:(08) 8588 7021
Y Y Y Port Augusta Holiday Park, Cnr Highway One & Stokes Terrace
Port Augusta SA 5700 Phone Free:1800 833 444
Y Y Y Westbrook Park River Resort, Jaensch Road, Tailem Bend SA 5260 Phone:(08) 8572 3794
Y Y Y BIG 4 Mildura Crossroads Holiday Park, Fifteenth St, Mildura Phone:(03) 5023 3239


Traditionally DLRA racers stay at the Port Augusta Holiday Park (formerly the Big4 Caravan Park) the night before heading out to Lake Gairdner. The park provides a discount for us, when you call to make your booking tell them your part of the DLRA. If you are intending to stay in Port Augusta either on the way in or out we strongly recommend that you book your Accommodation early.


For information about Accommodation once you get to Lake Gairdner read this.


Are you looking for more information? Contact us


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