Tony Brearley #1228
Tintenbar Garage
Alstonville, NSW

Year | Vehicle | Class | MPH | PB | Record Average |
Record | ||||||
2015 | 2008 Yamaha 1670 MT-01 | 2000 P-PP | 146.885 | - | Open | |||||||
2015 | 2008 Yamaha 1670 MT-01 | 2000 M-PG | 153.224 | - | 129.449 | |||||||
2016 | 2008 Yamaha 1670 MT-01 | 2000 P-PP | 148.307, 138.483,
138.498, 146.079, 148.078, 143.359, 147.229, 148.671 |
146.885 | 146.885 | |||||||
2017 | 2008 Yamaha MT01 | 2000 P-PP | 138, 139, 139.790, 143.329, 141.716, 142.248, 148.392 |
148.671 | 148.671 | |||||||
2018 | 2014 Aprillia | 1000 M-G | 169.046, 169.555, 166.898, 162.94, 170.293, 173.377, 170.648, 169.460, 167.504 | - | 175.481 | |||||||
2019 | 1972 Kawasaki | 650 M-CG | , 56.311, 112.913, 117.697, | - | 115.305 | Open | ||||||
2021 | 1970 Special Construction | 500 A-CF | 124.279, 86.959, 127.294Q, 126.836R | - | 127.065 | Open | ||||||
2023 | 1972 Kawasaki | 500 MPS-CG | 126.890Q, 126.832R | - | 126.861 | Open | ||||||
MPH shown in RED is highest speed recorded for that class up and including that year.
Records shown are the highest speed attained for that class from all previous years
or have never had a vehicle register a speed for that class and are considered Open.
Vehicle Specs
Vehicle Make | ||
Vehicle Model | ||
Vehicle Class | ||
Chassis | ||
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Gearbox | ||
Diff |
Sponsors |
Privateer; Tintenbar Garage, NSW North Coast | |
Career Highlights |
Former Australian Go Kart Championship, Former Australian Speedway Champion, Current post-cl | |
Time in Sport | Started 2014 | |
Claim to Fame | Working towards. Hope to meet Denis Manning. My wife wants to meet Guy Martin - is he here? | |
Other Interests | What else is there? | |
Team Name | Any Ideas? Tintenbar Garage | |
Team Members | Tony, Nikki, Anton, Kristen (unable to join us at the lake this year) and oyd the machinist at Brad Marr Engineering | |
Team History | 4th year - 3 records | |
Best thing about Dry Lakes Racing | Forced holiday, great road trip, Animal, Bob Ellis, the auction night, the place itself, the people! Camping, the organisers - a big thanks. Catering, Ice Truck!!! Canteen!!!! | |
Interesting story | Get me to the microphone! |
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