Rob Waters #1426
insalt Racing
Kingsley WA

Year | Vehicle | Class | MPH | PB | Record Average |
Record | ||||||
2017 | 2016 Kenworth | AA/MDT | 139.427, 125.226 | Open | ||||||||
2017 | 2016 Kenworth | AA/UDT | - | - | 155.749 | |||||||
2018 | 1977 W Series Kenworth | AA/MDT | - | 139.427 | 139.427 | |||||||
2018 | 1977 W Series Kenworth | AA/UDT | 126.334, 133.388, 131.868, 136.426, 137.279, 134.655 | - | 155.749 | |||||||
2019 | 2016 Kenworth | AA-MDT | 68.112 | 139.427 | 139.427 | |||||||
2019 | 1977 Kenworth | AA-UDT | 124.662 | 137.279 | 155.749 | |||||||
2020 | 1997 Kenworth | AA-MDT | Cancelled | 139.427 | 139.427 | |||||||
2020 | 1977 Kenworth | AA-UDT | Cancelled | 137.279 | 155.749 | |||||||
2021 | 1977 Kenworth | AA-MDT | 105.639, 109.656, 114.335, 126.364, 131.574, 136.148, 142.398Q, 140.105R | 139.427 | 141.314 | 139.427 | ||||||
2023 | 1977 Kenworth | AA-UDT | 130.147, 114.206 | 137.279 | 155.749 | |||||||
2024 | 1979 Kenworth | AA-UDT | Rained out | 137.279 | 155.749 | |||||||
2025 | 1979 Kenworth | AA-UDT | 137.279 | 155.749 |
MPH shown in RED is highest speed recorded for that class up and including that year.
Records shown are the highest speed attained for that class from all previous years
or have never had a vehicle register a speed for that class and are considered Open.
Vehicle Specs
Vehicle Make | Kenworth | |
Vehicle Model | W Series CATROD | |
Vehicle Class | AA/MDT and AA/UDT | |
Chassis | Kenworth | |
Engine | Caterpillar | |
Gearbox | Allison 4560 | |
Diff | Dana |
Sponsors |
Daynite Towing, Kenworth, Paccar CJD, Kenworth craf | |
Career Highlights |
Trans Tasman Super Truck Championship | |
Time in Sport | 13 years | |
Claim to Fame | Fastest Class 8 diesel truck in Austraila over 1/4 mile MD DLRA Class Record | |
Other Interests | Vintage trucks, Aussie muscle cars | |
Team Name | Daynite Trucksport | |
Team Members | Rob & Debbie Waters, Hayden Waters, Luke Salamone, Neil & Jordan Scott | |
Team History | General truck racing in different classes throughout Australia | |
Best thing about Dry Lakes Racing | The build, the journey, the comunity | |
Interesting story |
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