Select to view full size 2003 DLRA Lake Gairdner Speed Week

REPORT Report  Results  Photos 

Rod Ramblings
Next week. New Camp

Stewards Report

The turn up for this years meeting was smaller than we have been used to in the last 3 or 4 years. It was a bit disappointing with the extra work that was to be done with the new camp, which I think will benefit everyone, and will be a milestone in the clubs progress like the purchase of the original camp was. In years to come, I predict that we will wonder how we got along at the old camp, similar to the way we look back to the pre dawn starts at the station to try and get the good air in the morning.

Those that did come had an enjoyable meeting, I know that I did, even though we had a lot of engine trouble, as usual. The track performed well, and I think that the track setup and operation is performed efficiently and smoothly. We didn't get to start until Monday lunchtime, but this a feature of the amount of effort it takes to mark and wire the track, and the number of people who make themselves available to do it.
I would like to thank Peter Noy for his efforts with the timing equipment, Gary Baker, Ray Charlton, Pete Clara and Rob Carroll for their efforts in the scrutineering tent. Team Bowman and team Saville for their help in setting up or pulling down the track equipment. I believe that team Saville is intent on competing next year after a few years off, and I wish them well. This will mean that we will be looking for some others to fill in where they have been helping. Thanks also go to Cled Davies who worked tirelessly on the start line, with his blackboard, to make things a bit more orderly.

Once again the meeting was hard on engines. John Lynch was unable to approach his speed of 297 Mph from last year. A head gasket let go causing a small fire, then when this was fixed, a spark plug was melted. At this point, I think they decided that discretion was the better part of valour, and called it a meeting. The repairs to the motor last year was extensive, with 8 pistons and rods, welded crank and welded block. No doubt John's pockets were much the lighter for it. Bob Ellis in his chopped Falcon coupe dropped a rod, which increased the ventilation of his crankcase. Nick Brown, who along with a few others would like to be the first production vehicle to 200 Mph, lost oil pressure on his big block 308, now 383 CI, and spun a bearing. 184 Mph was a creditable effort for the car's first meeting. Mark Dunn and Greg Hamilton had the Holden station wagon back again this year. Unfortunately, while chasing a water leak, they discovered a crack in the block through a welch plug hole. This put them on the trailer as well. We had a new car from Perth this year, which was built as a drag car, running a creditable 175 mph, before it too had engine troubles. We blew an engine two days before we were to leave, which left us poorly prepared in the engine department. I bought a $550 long motor from the wreckers and bolted it in, but I missed a few things in the rush. We eventually fixed the engines inability to rev, but it took pistons tapping valves for us to work out that the timing belt pulleys were loose on the cams. Once this was fixed we could get revs, but no boost. This was because it was a turbo that had let go, which put turbine pieces into the motor, and caused it to expire. We ran 145Mph without the turbo, better than last year, but slower than hoped. But as we say, there's always next year.

Enough of the problems, let's look at the positives. Leigh Russell from Queensland ran his little 3 cyl Suzuki again, running 129 Mph with a turbo engine. Leigh would have to be one of our keenest members. He drives the car from Qld with all his stuff, including the race motor, bolted in where the passenger seat should be. A good thing to, as he killed a perfectly good motor on a run. His first from memory. A new car for this year, an FJ Holden, ran 107 Mph with the old sideplate Grey motor. Any one who can run one of these engines, which have a fairly crude oiling system, and are not known for their high revving, deserves to feel very proud. They didn't lose their motor, and neither did the Moe boys. They ran their XA coupe again, which ran strong and straight. Over 190 Mph in a barge like this is strong indeed. The mind boggles at what it could do in a lakester or streamliner. Ron Whowell from Brisbane ran 192.25 on a Kawasaki, raising the bar for bikes yet again. He is keen to run 200MPH next year (aren't we all). The Suzuki boys will have to come back and try a bit harder next year. Maybe next year will be the one when we get our first member in the 200 MPH club in a production class. Rod Hadfield ran his Commodore to 259 Mph, without the mechanical and window problems that threw a spanner in his works last year, although he did take the scenic route on one of his runs.

Ok, now down to the official stuff. Next year the scrutineers will be paying more attention to firewalls. Cars must have a gas and watertight seal. This requirement is there for a very good reason, and if a car is brought to scrutineering with a firewall that is not properly sealed, it will be sent back to the pits for another try. There will be a rule book update with the next newsletter. The changes are minimal, and will not cause any grief with entrants. One change from this meeting will be that if a vehicle leaves the marked track area on a run, the driver will be obliged to immediately shut down, and abort the run. Any car that leaves the track will also be considered to be exhibiting poor handling. The clause about no laid back windscreens on top chops has been removed to provide alignment with the SCTA rule book.

As usual, we had a bit of a wind up party at the Big 4 caravan park in Port Augusta on the way back. An extremely pleasant wind down for those that choose to hang around after the meeting closes, and help pack up. I would like to thank Club Animal for throwing a few beers on. Unusual for Club Animal to have any left over. Must be getting quieter with the years.


RESULTS Report  Results  Photos 

Results of Speed Trials 2003, March 10th - 14th 2003 - Peter Noy, Chief Timer
Any application for amendments to these results must be made on the Results and Records Amendment Form.

61 entrants, 246 runs.
Congratulations to Debra and John Dawson, who both ran more than 200MPH for the first time.

Records shown are either Open or a Record prior to this meeting.
Speeds shown in RED are records set for this year

Driver No. Vehicle Class MPH Record
John Lynch #092 Belly Tank A/BFL 155.790 297.939
John Broughan #211 Lakester F/BGL 145.155 Open
Paul Broughan #259 Lakester F/BGL 142.919
Aulis Soderblom #296 29 Ford Roadster C/GMR 158.116 159.334
Steven Stamp #214 29 Ford Roadster C/GMR 156.924 159.334
Bob Bowman #194 27 Ford Roadster D/GMR 148.093 161.608
Terry Maloney #215 27 Ford Roadster D/GMR 133.323 161.608
Ray Cooke #237 27 Ford Roadster D/GMR 124.740 161.608
Norm Hardinge #201 34 Ford Roadster B/GR 181.772 185.854
Wayne Belot #247 34 Ford Roadster B/GR 190.003 185.854
Geoff Seddon #349 34 Ford Roadster B/GR 117.386 185.854
Leigh Russell #222 84 Suzki Hatch J/BGC 129.682 112.324
Bob Ellis #202 XP Falcon Coupe C/GCC 183.729 169.987
Greg Hamilton #238 HJ Holden Station Wagon C/GC 160.529 138.846
Rod Hadfield #003 VS Commodore AA/FALT 259.067 229.767
Lionel West #272 VS Commodore AA/FALT 250.748 229.767
Debra Dawson #258 Studebaker A/GALT 204.406 211.50
John Dawson #231 Studebaker A/GALT 202.082 211.50
Jason VanDyk #325 A/GALT 130.434 211.50
Derrick Borgas #335 XD Falcon A/GALT 167.224 211.50
Graeme Turner #346 XD Falcon A/GALT 175.097 211.50
Norm Bradshaw #295 68 Mustang A/PRO 187.334 170.43
John Dent #253 68 Mustang A/PRO 187.696 170.43
Brian Nicholson #131 XA Falcon Coupe C/PRO 189.453 186.912
Brendan O'Reilly #191 XA Falcon Coupe C/PRO 190.184 186.912
Bruce Fisher #321 XA Falcon Coupe C/PRO 175.489 186.912
Greg White #322 XA Falcon Coupe C/PRO 183.936 186.912
Mark Bryan #292 XW Falcon C/PRO 165.947 186.912
Nicholas Bown #274 86 Commodore C/PRO 184.880 186.912
Mark Hadfield #044 67 Mustang D/PRO 178.032 179.104
Wally James #128 67 Mustang D/PRO 173.251 179.104
Luke Hadfield #242 67 Mustang D/PRO 175.712 179.104
Con Soldatos #352 VH Commodore E/PRO 154.958 136.798
Adrian Hunt #342 VH Commodore E/PRO 155.783 136.798
Darryl Hunt #093 VH Commodore E/PRO 155.844 136.798
Graham Cain #249 LJ Torana E/PRO 143.067 Open
Norm Golgerth #250 LJ Torana E/PRO 143.856 136.798
Leo Monaghan #271 LJ Torana E/PRO 141.353 136.798
Colin Moore #294 LJ Torana E/PRO 141.376 136.798
Don Noble #281 86 Nissan Skyline F/PRO 140.274 125.47
John Burley #332 85 Nissan Bluebird G/PRO 116.421
Andrew McCleery #334 85 Nissan Bluebird G/PRO 117.527 Open
Leigh Russell #222 84 Suzki Hatch J/PRO 101.715 Open
Dennis Boundy #283 FJ Holden XO/PRO 107.120 Open
Stephen Vorwerk #343 FJ Holden XO/PRO 103.288
Nathan Bradshaw #344 AU Falcon XR8 STREET 132.139
Danny Porobic #345 AU Falcon XR8 STREET 129.813


Rider No. Vehicle Class MPH Record
Michael Hite #241 87 Harley Sportster A/PG 1350 136.549 140.208
Lucky Keiser #105 MANX M/P/VF 500 102.494 Open
Chris Fraser #120 72 Yamaha M/VG 650 100.741 Open
Trevor Clare #139 72 Yamaha M/VG 650 94.221
Bob Prior #205 72 Suzuki M/G 750 133.412 149.377
John Pudney #173 81 Kawasaki MPS/G 1000 164.891 170.261
Peter Muhm #340 80 Honda M/G 1000 138.370 Open
Mal Hewett #234 50 Vincent Rapide M/VG 1350 128.560 140.296
Ron Whowell #348 02 Kawasaki MPS/G 1350 192.250 Open
Stephen Reimann #338 81 Suzuki Katana MPS/G 1650 175.750 Open
Stephen Reimann #338 81 Suzuki Katana MPS/F 1650 168.350 Open
Robert Traum #308 85 Harley Softail M/PG 2000 129.449 Open
Scott Webster #333 Suzuki GSXR P/PG 1000 181.241 Open
Laszio Molnar #347 85 Harley Softail P/PG 1350 114.576 Open

PHOTOS 1 2 3 4 Report  Results  Photos 

Photos by Andrew (Drewfus) Parish, and John Burley #332

Got any photos? Send 'em to me

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